Stand (GTA)
 GTA   Started by Blessed   2024-08-18 05:11:47 +02:00   Comments: 1    Viewed: 803

  1. Blessed
    Blessed Owner Staff Member




    If you're looking for a top-quality mod menu that delivers unprecedented features and unmatched experience, Stand is certainly a good choice. With its exceptional recovery capabilities, you can quickly give yourself millions and enjoy all the features you need.

    Stand is renowned for its impressive stability and performance within the game, customizable options, advanced protection from modder attacks, and user-friendly interface. With the best co-loading compatibility available, you can use Stand simultaneously with any other mod menu. Moreover, it supports LUA Scripts and ASI Mods, enabling you to add an unlimited number of functions to your menu.


    Unlike other menus, Stand is polished to perfection, with no bugs or crashes and offers unique features such as Watchdog-style world modification, in-game augmented reality, and a web interface for using the menu from your browser or even your smartphone. It's incredibly easy to install and comes with translation in all languages. Without a doubt, Stand is the most reliable and best option to choose from on the market.


    How to install Stand



    1.  Go to the Stand website, and register your license key by entering it and clicking Register.


    2.  Copy your account ID, which is displayed on the website, and back it up in multiple locations. Losing this key will result in losing access to your account.


    3.  Download the Stand Launchpad after completing all the website's steps, and run it as an administrator.


    Before downloading the software, you will need to disable your anti-virus. This is due to the nature of the software and how it interacts with your game. All products sold on Radiant are completely safe and do not contain any form of malicious code.



    4.  In the Stand Launchpad, enable Inject on Launch to automatically inject the menu.


    5.  Launch GTA 5, and enter Story Mode.


    6.  Copy your Activation Key from your account page, and Stand will automatically redeem it.


    That's all. Have fun!


    Key Configuration



    • Open/Close: F4
    • Select: Enter
    • Back: Backspace
    • Scroll Up: Up Arrow
    • Scroll Down: Down Arrow
    • Increase/Decrease Values: Left & Right Arrow
    • Switch Tabs: RCTRL & RSHIFT



    Controller Configuration



    • Open/Close: RB + ↓
    • Select: A
    • Back: B
    • Scroll Up: ↑
    • Scroll Down: ↓
    • Increase/Decrease Values: ← and →
    • Switch Tabs: LB and RB



    Coming soon….




    Blessed, 2024-08-18 05:11:47 +02:00
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