Ethereal HWID Spoofer
 HWID Spoofer & VPN   Started by Rokan   2024-10-27 16:49:47 +01:00   Comments: 1    Viewed: 280

  1. Rokan
    Rokan Owner Staff Member

    Welcome To Ethereal Software:

    In order to run The Ethereal SP Application please follow the following steps :


    1. 1. Go to the website and press on login.

    2. 2. After your register with your license key, you will see : '' Download SP ''

    3. 3. Press on it and the download will start.

    4. 4. In your panel you can see your license details Trouble shooting guides and FAQ

    1. 5. After the Ethereal SP App download from your user panel Unzip and run the setup MSI it will create a EtherealSP Shortcut on Mainscreen.

    1. 6. Run The Ethereal Application when you have missing files The Engine will guide you to The Microsoft Download Page and select there the system you have and download the
      missing files.
    1. 7. Ethereal SP will open and you will see :
      - Save : This button saves your current hardware identification.
      - Spoof : This button will change your hardware identification for security reasons.
      - Restore : In case you decide to restore your hardware ID from before spoof you can restore it here.

    Always on first usage press on the SAVE button to save your actual hardware identification.

    1. 8. Press on SPOOF and let the magic begin. The application will ask you if you want to restart your device. After you press on YES the device will restart and after it is been rebooted please wait till your wifi/ethernet connection is stabilized.

    2. 9. Enjoy Secured Internet by hiding your real identity. Thank you for chosing Ethereal Software. Regards, Engineering Team Ethereal.


    Rokan, 2024-10-27 16:49:47 +01:00
    Juggos likes this.
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